How Meal Planning and Shopping Can Decrease Your Carbon Footprint

How Meal Planning and Shopping Can Decrease Your Carbon Footprint

Take the Quiz: Imagine this… It’s a hot summer day and you reach into the fridge for a delicious snack of fresh, cold strawberries when, all of a sudden, you notice every food waste warrior’s mortal enemy, MOLD, growing on your fresh berries! Maybe your first feeling is disgust. Instinctually, you toss the moldy berries…

Get More Mileage out of Your Food with Zero Waste Cooking

Get More Mileage out of Your Food with Zero Waste Cooking

Take the Quiz: Whether you’re an expert culinary artist or a reluctant home chef, cooking for food waste reduction is fun and delicious. Plus, consuming more parts of your food can be healthier, since many peels and seeds are packed with nutrients. With zero waste cooking, you’ll learn how to transform parts of food that…