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Zero Waste Chef (Webinar)

Join us to learn how to radically reduce waste in your kitchen! Recording Available Here: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/Or9-RSOV9MYDHTR0Tp-VBEIdIGa9xCt9T-8dVvbTX7jKOkQNZBxePcXu-60lQ-Un.wiHvPZfAEA81GHON

Business Roundtable (Webinar)

Join local businesses to discuss the barriers and opportunities to zero waste in the business community. This is always a fascinating session! Watch Recording Here: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/yo02dKPUBK3_1PD_dPsDRriQydqWmWkc8cMLwOhBERQIQPkDtLqXPjx-EOFyRCrl.RrCFEgr1LYF48JkT

Learn how to put zero waste into action

Get our free email course and learn everything you need to know about zero waste in five resource-packed emails.