Food Waste AuditSign up to get our audit resources and remindersWelcome to your one-week food waste audit! This is an excellent opportunity to become more mindful of your food consumption habits and identify areas where you can reduce waste. Remember, this isn’t about being perfect or feeling guilty—it’s simply about observation.Please note! We are beta testing this process, you may encounter glitches, and if you do, we’d like to hear about it! Please let us know if you have any feedback along the way.Sign Up for Your Audit!United States +1Pick a 7 day period that will be typical for your food waste.Next

How it works:

ReadySign up, pick a start date that will capture a typical food week for youSetPut up signage, set reminders, set up your tracking sheetGo!Track your food waste for 1 week, get specific insights on the best waste reduction strategies for you.


While these are just recommendations, it will help you have a successful week!

  1. Dedicated food waste container (e.g. a bowl for prep waste as you’re cooking so you don’t need to stop and log each item.

  2. Signage, a sign on your trash as a reminder that you’re tracking food waste this week can be an excellent cue in case you accidentally start throwing something away without tracking.

  3. Paper or digital note (we have templates!) We recommend keeping track in the quickest way possible throughout the day to make it as easy as possible to capture your food waste activity. Then, once a day we’ll remind you to log it in the system.

During the Audit

Throughout each day during your audit you’ll track all the food you discard—no matter where it goes: in your dedicated container, down the sink, in the compost, in the trash, or out in public.

At the end of the day, or the beginning of the next day you’ll go through your tracking sheet and log the items with amount and reason in the food log we’ll provide you.


Reflect on the areas where you had the most preventable food waste and pick one tactic that will have the biggest impact on your particular waste habits.

The most environmentally friendly product is the one that never gets made.

© 2025 Live Zero Waste Inc.

The most environmentally friendly product is the one that never gets made.

© 2025 Live Zero Waste Inc.

The most environmentally friendly product is the one that never gets made.

© 2025 Live Zero Waste Inc.